Thursday, December 03, 2020

A little love

The so long-awaited John Lewis Christmas commercial is here! The Christmas spot released every year before Christmas by this important retail company is very popular in the United Kingdom. Its popularity is almost as much as our most long-awaited commercial: the Loteria de Navidad one. 

Here it is... Click the following link and enjoy! 

John Lewis Christmas commercial 2020


A little love (by Celeste)

Of all the things to be, I choose the kindness
And if you gave some to me
I think we'd find ourselves here dancing in the street

Everyone we meet would smile a little daydream
It could be amazing
Wouldn't it be wonderful if everybody gave a little love?

Happiness, nothing better in this world to get than happiness
If I give this gift to you, wouldn't everybody get a little love?
gift to you, wouldn't everybody get a little love?

Love, love


Monday, November 09, 2020

A Lame Duck

Last Saturday, watching the news about the recent elections in The U.S.A, I heard an expression that I had never heard before. This expression is used in daily English but it is also used specifically in Politics to talk about periods of transition between two presidents. Here are the definitions:

  • A lame duck: someone who is not successful and needs a lot of help and support

  • a lame-duck leader or parliament:  is one that is not powerful

  • A lame duck session:
when one Congress meets after its sucesor is elected, but before the sucesor’s term begins
During their “lame-duck” session starting this week, lawmakers will have little time to draft another continuing resolution to cover funding U.S. agencies and military operations.

So, the time between last Saturday and January 20th (Presidential Inauguration Day) is known as: a lame duck period. 

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Living in Quarantine

 Living in Quarantine 


a period, originally 40 days, during which a person or animal is kept apart from others to ensure that any disease he, she, or it may have will not be spread. 

Pronunciation:  /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/

  • Lay low: to do nothing until the right opportunity develops
  • Shut down: closed (usually permanently) 
  • Shelter in place:to stay where you are, because of some danger
  • Stock up on: to fill a place with things that you will need
  • A wave:a movement of the hand, as in greeting
  • Get on someone's nerves: to make someone feel annoyed or nervous
  • Flatten the curve: to cause something to increase more slowly
  • Shelter: to find a safe place:

Monday, September 21, 2020

A little bottle of water

Here's the phonetic transcription:

UK: /


ˈlɪtəˈbɒtəˈɒv / v ˈwɔːtər    
USA:  /ə/ ˈlɪtəl (lit'l) ˈbɑtəl (bot'l) ˈɒv / əv wot tər

Here's some more information about the difference between British English and American and Australian English: 

Some other differences: 


Aussies are known for being great surfers.
She’s one hundred percent Aussie.
My mate and I went to the movies last weekend.
Your mate is really fun; we should hang out with him again.
If someone greats you with “g’day” a common response is, “not bad” or “great.”
Crikey! Did you see the size of that spider?
Streuth! You were almost hit by a car?!
A common response to “how ya going” would be “alright, how’re you?”, “alright, thanks”, “good, but…” or “not bad, thanks”
She’s as dinky die as you get.
I finally did it mate! Fair dinkum.
She’s Chinese and he’s true blue Aussie.

That meal was bloody delicious!
The movie was bloody awful.
That’s rubbish!
I talked to my boss today and she agreed that my salary is pure rubbish. She said she’d give me a raise starting next week.
This is a lovely cup of coffee.
He was a lovely young man, wasn’t he?
I was so pissed last night that I couldn’t even walk in a straight line.
After only a few drinks he was pissed.
When I was a kid I had a bike that was bodged together.
We need to get this report right; we can’t take a chance on bodging it. 
If someone is excited about taking a vacation to a new place you could say “they’re chuffed to bits about traveling to Cuba.”
Katie gave her a cheeky grin.
The boy was cheeky with his mum (“mum” is used in Britain and Australia and “mom” is used in the United States).

A common response would be, “I’m good”, “I’m okay” or “I’m not doing so great.”
If you’re making plans with someone they may say, “I’ll pick you up at 8 o’clock, okay?” and you could respond, “Cool, see you then.”
Someone may ask, “What’d you think of the movie?” and you could reply, “It was awesome!” 
I really want to buy that coat, but it costs an arm and a leg.
OMG, did you see how big that pizza was?!
Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long!
Someone may ask, “Where do you want to hang out?” and you could respond, “let’s hang out at your place. My roommates are watching the soccer game today” (people from the United States use the term “soccer” and the British and Australians say “football”).
“I just hung out and relaxed at my house all weekend.”
We’re just chilling out at my place. You’re welcome to come over if you want
(if someone tells you to “chill out” they’re telling you to not overact about a situation or get too stressed about something small).
The concert was a blast!
I had so much fun hanging out with him. He was such a blast!

 “Aussie” refers to someone who’s Australian. 
“Mate” means friend (“mate” is also used in British English).
“G’day” (pronounced “geh-day”) means “hello” or “how’re you?”
“Crikey!” or “Streuth!” (pronounced “krai-kee” and “strooth”) are both exclamations of bewilderment, shock or surprise.
“How ya going?” means “how’re you?” 
“Fair dinkum” or “dinky die” are both used to say something is true.
“True Blue” is a way to say “the real thing.” Originally it meant to be patriotic, but today it means genuine or authentically Australian.
“Bloody” means “very.” This is a great way to show emphasis when you’re speaking.
“Rubbish” literally means “garbage” or “trash.” If you don’t like something this is the perfect word to use to say it’s worthless or untrue.
“Lovely” is a common British word to use if you want to express affection or approval for someone or something (commonly used amongst the older generation; specifically women). 
“Pissed” means someone has drank a large amount of alcohol and is intoxicated or drunk (not to be confused with American English which uses this word to say someone is extremely angry or irritated).
“Bodge” is a word used to say that a repair job is of a low-quality or is not done well. 
“Chuffed to bits” is a common way in Britain to say you’re very pleased with someone or something. 
“Cheeky” means playful or mischievous. 
“You alright?” or “alright?” is a common way to say “hello!” in Britain. You can simply respond by nodding your head or saying “Hi.” This sounds like a question, but it’s simply a greeting.
“Fancy a cuppa’?” means “would you like a cup of tea?” As many people already know, tea is a huge part of British culture and it’s very common to be offered a cup of tea if you visit a British friend. 
“How’s it going?” or “what’s up?” is a common way for people from the United States to ask “how’re you?” or “how’re you doing?” 
“Awesome” or “cool” are popular ways to express that you think someone or something is amazing or wonderful.
“Costs an arm and a leg” means that something is really expensive. 
“Oh my God”, “oh my gosh” or “OMG” are all ways to emphasize surprise or shock.
“Hang out” is a way to talk about spending time at a certain place or with someone. 
“Chill out” means to relax. 
“Have a blast” is a way to say that someone or something is fun. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Samuel L. Jackson addresses D. Trump

Samuel L. Jackson has a message for Donald Trump in 15 languages. 

Here is some other ways of sending the same message in English: 

  • Bugger off!
  • Piss off! 
  • Go to hell! 
  • Get lost! 
  • Go to Blazes!
  • Go jump in a lake! 
  • Kiss my ass! 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Chris Hemsworth has a message for you

·      To crush at something: To succeed at something in a particularly impressive way. Often used in the past tense. Her presentation for the CEO went really well. She totally crushed it! 

·      Pursue: Try to attain. Melanie is pursuing a career in medicine.

·      To take something by storm: to attack and conquer, be a sudden success

·      To brag about: to talk boastfully (with pride)

El Pais News