Friday, November 06, 2015

Life is just a bowl of cherries

Good morning!

Today, I am going to introduce some of my favourite English sayings... I love sayings and proverbs and I think that you will love these ones too.

  • The first one is the title of a book I have. I bought it ages ago and it is one of my literary treasures. The book is called: "Life is just a bowl of cherries". It is a quite sweet saying, isn´t it? The meaning of this expression is that life is very pleasant. However, it is often used  to mean the opposite. For example, we could use this sentence in one of those days when everything seems to go wrong. Have a look at the following dialogue: 
 - Hey Anna, how are you?
 - Hi Peter. I´m a bit angry. My sister has just taken my car without permission and it was raining so I  had to go to work on public transport.
 - Oh well, life is just a bowl of cherries!
  • Another of my favourite ones is about karma and how everything that you do in life pays you back. The saying is: "What goes around comes around". It means that the results of things that one has done will someday have an effect on the person who did those things. We can see the use of this expression in the following example: 
- Hi Jane. Do you remember the boss of our previous company? 
- Yes, Richard was his name. Wasn´t it? 
- Yes, him. Well, amazingly enough, he has been fired! He deserved it after all that he did to us. 
- Well... what goes around comes around. Don´t you think?   
  • The third of the sayings I am introducing today is quite graphic and similar to the first one. We use it when we want to remind someone of the importance of having more than one plan for the future. The saying is: "Don´t put all your eggs in one basket". It means that one should always have a backup plan and shouldn´t risk all his money or time in following just one plan. In fact, this is one of the sayings that I follow most. You can see the saying being used in the following example: 
- I know what I want. I am going to study drama and become a famous actress. 
- Lena, are you sure of that? Study something else, just in case. Don´t put all your eggs in one basket!  

Which one do you like most? Smile and enjoy the weekend. At the end of the day... Life is a bowl of cherries!


  1. Hi!

    If you like english sayings, maybe you'll like this BBC podcast: "The english we speak"

    It's quite possible that you already know it, but in any case I think it's a good thing to leave the reference here in a comment.

    I used to listen to theses podcast during my travels with my former partner, and made our trips quite entertaining. And I'm sorry if my english is not as good as yours! I just thought it was appropriate to leave my comment in english ;)


  2. Hi Luis,

    Thanks a lot for your comment. I already knew this podcast. There are some other good ones from the BBC that I listen to like "6 minutes English" or "The Listening project". Your English is very good. Thanks for reading my blog and have a nice weekend!
