Monday, June 20, 2016

A few words about what happened in Orlando

Good afternoon! 

Sadly, a few days ago we all heard about what happened in Orlando. When I first heard the news I wondered: 'What's going on?' 'Why is the world so screwed up' (1)? A few days later, a host from a popular talk show in the US answered my question. Here are his words: 

Very interesting thoughts and very wise words. Now that you have watched the video, try listening to it again while reading the script at the same time. Here is the transcription of his words: 

"Like you, I am sickened (2) to the news that early yesterday a terrorist killed 49 people and wounded 53 more in Orlando, in the most deadly shooting in American history. Naturally, we each ask ourselves 'what can we possibly say in the face of this horror?'"

But then suddenly you realise you know what to say because it´s been said too many times before. You´ve got a pretty good idea of what most people are gonna say. You know what a president whoever it is will probably say. You know what both sides of the political Iowa say. You know what gun manufacturers will say. Even me with a silly show like this. You have some idea of what I will say. Because even I’ve talked about this when it’s happened before. 
It’s as if there’s a national script that we have learnt and I think by accepting the script, we tacitly accept that the script will end the same way every time,  with nothing changing except for the loved ones and the families of the victims for whom nothing will ever be the same. It's easy, it’s almost tempting to be paralyzed by such a monstrously hateful act. To despair (3) and that’s the way the world is now.  I don’t know what to do but I do know that despair is a victory for hate. Hate wants us to be too weak to change anything. Now, these people in Orlando were apparently targeted (4) because of who they loved and there have been outpourings (5) of love throughout the country and around the world. Love in response to hate. 

Love does not despair. Love makes us strong. Love gives us the courage to act. Love gives us hope that change is possible. Love allows us to change the script. So love your country, love your family, love the families and the victims and the people of Orlando, but let´s remember that 'love' is a verb and to love means to do something" 

Stephen Colbert. 

Finally, here is a glossary of words or expressions that you may find more difficult to understand: 

  • Screw up (slang): if something is 'screwed up' is spoilt or ruined (in a very bad state or condition)
  • Sickened (adj): if someone feels 'sickened', he feels disgusted, very sad and annoyed about something.
  • Despair(n): lose of hope
  • Targeted (v): if someone or something is 'targeted' he or she is identified as a target (objective, goal)
  • Outpouring (n): expression of grief or sympathy
That´s all for now. I hope you have enjoyed the speech as much as I did. Have a great day!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Jodie was scared of Hopkins!

Good Morning!

Here is another of my favourite actresses' video where she talks about her relationship with a fellow actor in one of her most important films.

Let's hope you don't find it too scary!

Now, read the glossary and watch the video again:
  • A read through (n): the very first rehearsal of a play or movie. 
  •  Petrified (adj): very scared  or frightened.
  • Glass partition: glass dividing wall 
  •  Screwed in (v): locked up in a place (with the use of screws)
  • Deliver his lines (v): say his text (used in plays or films) 
  •  Cocking technique (n): from the verb 'cock' meaning 'tilt' or 'incline'. 
Now, have you seen 'The Silence of the lambs'? Did you like it?

Bye for now!

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

EU Referendum. What do expats living in Marbella think about it?

Good morning readers!

Less than a month for the EU referendum in the United Kingdom. Exit or stay in? We constinously hear opinions from people living in there but what do expats think? Well, quite interesting opinions I should say... Watch the following video and learn...!
Happy Monday!

  • 'Expats': expatriate. Someone living in a different country to the one he/she is from.
  • Many jobs have 'come to migrants': Many jobs have been given to people who came from other countries to work (migrants)
  • 'Sky-rocketing (prices)': prices that have been increased suddenly, in a short period of time
  • Travell agents 'dispute' this: argue about, argue against this.
  • 'To be better off': to be more fortunate, in better circumstances
  • 'Is the sun about to set?': metaphorical, is happiness for expats about to be affected by the EU referendum result?