Monday, November 09, 2020

A Lame Duck

Last Saturday, watching the news about the recent elections in The U.S.A, I heard an expression that I had never heard before. This expression is used in daily English but it is also used specifically in Politics to talk about periods of transition between two presidents. Here are the definitions:

  • A lame duck: someone who is not successful and needs a lot of help and support

  • a lame-duck leader or parliament:  is one that is not powerful

  • A lame duck session:
when one Congress meets after its sucesor is elected, but before the sucesor’s term begins
During their “lame-duck” session starting this week, lawmakers will have little time to draft another continuing resolution to cover funding U.S. agencies and military operations.

So, the time between last Saturday and January 20th (Presidential Inauguration Day) is known as: a lame duck period. 

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Living in Quarantine

 Living in Quarantine 


a period, originally 40 days, during which a person or animal is kept apart from others to ensure that any disease he, she, or it may have will not be spread. 

Pronunciation:  /ˈkwɒrəntiːn/

  • Lay low: to do nothing until the right opportunity develops
  • Shut down: closed (usually permanently) 
  • Shelter in place:to stay where you are, because of some danger
  • Stock up on: to fill a place with things that you will need
  • A wave:a movement of the hand, as in greeting
  • Get on someone's nerves: to make someone feel annoyed or nervous
  • Flatten the curve: to cause something to increase more slowly
  • Shelter: to find a safe place: