Friday, January 22, 2016

Our Time, our time down here.

Good morning readers! 

Yesterday, I went to see 'The Goonies', again! 
Even though I had seen it a few months before at the cinema and I have seen it innumerable times at home,  I still enjoyed it. 'The Goonies' is one of those films that I never get tired of watching. I love the story, the characters, the puns (1), the end... but what I love the most is the idea that the film portrays of chasing your dreams. 
 Mikey, the main character is persistent and stubborn and it is thanks to him that their dreams finally come true. I do not want to be a spoiler in case there is anybody there who still has not watched The Goonies (really?), so I will say no more. I just want to leave you my favourite scene of the whole film: Mikey´s speech. This scene takes place when the group of friends are about to give up on their dreams and hopes and Mikey´s speech makes them think again and change their minds (2). I really hope you enjoy it... 

Now, let´s have a look at the dialogue: 
  • Mikey: Don´t you realize? The next time you will see sky it will be over another town, the next time you take a test, it will be in some other school. Our parents, they want the best stuff (3) for us. But right now they´ve gotta (4) do what´s right for them because it´s their time. Their time, up there. Down here it´s our time. It´s our time, down here. That´s all over the second we ride up (5) Troy´s bucket. 
  • (1) puns (n): humorous use of a word or a phrase so as to emphasize or suggest its different meanings or applications. 
  • (2) to change one´s mind (id): to change one´s opinion or intention. 
  • (3) stuff (n): material objects or items of some kind not specified. 
  • (4) gotta (v): contraction of got to in informal, rapid and conversational speech. 
  • (5) ride up (ph. v): to move up from the proper place or position. 
I hope you have enjoyed it! And... if you have not seen 'The Goonies' yet, what are you waiting for? Get hold of one copy and do it. You have the whole weekend to enjoy it! 

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